Melissa Corkhill

By Melissa Corkhill

25th October 2016

Looking for ways to make your garden a more wildlife rich patch - here are four ways that you can support bees in your garden and at home

Melissa Corkhill

By Melissa Corkhill

25th October 2016

Melissa Corkhill

By Melissa Corkhill

25th October 2016

Plant Through the Seasons

Low growing heathers and crocuses in the front will provide colour and help feed bees in the barren months.Bees need food and shelter all year round - so think about planting through the seasons. Which plants will flower and provide the nectar (carbohydrates) and pollen (protein) bees need? Remember that late winter is the time to sow seeds for spring and summer plants. Autumn planted bulbs will burst forth in spring. When sunflowers and other summer flowery plants die back cut them off but leave the stump and roots in the ground to return nutrients to the soil.

Mix it Up

​Bees need plenty of different type of plants for food - from trees , hedges and shrubs to bulbs, herbs and grasses. Small trees like hazel and holly help bees at different times of the year. Ivy is a top food in autumn - if possible don’t cut it back until after flowering. The greater the variety of plant life in your garden, the greater variety of bugs and birds it will support

Create Shelter

​Give your mower a break by letting some of your lawn grow longer. When you do mow, cutting les soften and less closely will give polluters a place to feed and shelter among the grass. You can also create a small wood pile in a corner where bugs can nest and feed. This minor habitat will decay over time to create a natural look. Even a heap of pruned branches and twigs will help. And your compost heap is important too - it may be occupied by queen bumblebees and grass snakes seeking a place to nurture their young,

Be Part of the Generation that Acts to Save Bees

Bees are under threat from pesticides called neonicotinoids. Friends of the Earth are asking people to sign a petition to keep these pesticides out of our fields and gardens. You can sign the petition here.
