By The Green Parent

10th October 2021

Expect a flurry of new energy this week as the maiden returns. If you rested well with the crone during the last phase, you will be feeling a spark of creativity in whichever way that flows for you says Adeola Sheehy.

By The Green Parent

10th October 2021

By The Green Parent

10th October 2021

The young woman in us is many things but this week she may show you her rebel side. In what areas of your life do the rules need to be broken? It’s easy to feel stagnant or as though you’ve lost your way a little in the cycle of work, sleep, repeat. Allow the waxing moon energy to revitalise you, push to one side ideas of how things ‘should’ be, dismiss for a moment the ‘right way’ of doing things, and unleash your creativity and self-expression.

In what aspect of your life can you try something new or take a look at a situation from a new perspective this week?

Join us next Sunday evening for the following week’s forecast.

You can find Adeola on instagram @adeola_moonsong and read more of her work at
