By The Green Parent

27th March 2022

The last sliver of moonlight today guides our way into a well-deserved pause as the sky falls dark. It has been a big month, and spring has come quickly and fully into bloom shares Adeola Sheehy in her lunar forecast.

By The Green Parent

27th March 2022

By The Green Parent

27th March 2022

Before the rush continues and the busyness carries you away on its acceleration into summer, schedule a moment this week to be alone with your thoughts.

Reflect on your goals and intentions and see if they still resonate. Ask yourself the hard questions about your motivations and true needs, and listen to the answers your inner voice gives. Rest, if only for a short time and you will be better able to continue up hill.


We arrive at March’s dark moon with a need to pause and just take a breath in amidst the busyness and hurry of spring. The world has come alive and the urge to rush outward is flowing but with every out breath you need an inhale, a return to centre and a steadying hand.

Reflect on the year so far. These first three months have blinked by, are things as you’d hoped? Where do you need a slight change of direction to get back on the path? Have your goals changed?

Join us next Sunday evening for the following week’s forecast.

You can find Adeola on instagram @walking.with.the.moon and read more of her work at
