By The Green Parent

30th May 2021

As the moon wanes this week, the enchantress energy has no time or light to waste on things that no longer need it says Adeola Sheehy in this week's lunar forecast. The enchantress is a powerful editor and has a tongue that can be sharp and direct.

By The Green Parent

30th May 2021

By The Green Parent

30th May 2021

Knowing this you have the opportunity to use this week to your advantage. What do you need help with seeing clearly? Is there a problem or situation you have been dithering with, unable to make a decision? Now is the time to sit with your journal and allow this aspect of yourself free rein, but remember these words are for you and you alone to take into the dark of the crone next week and finalise your choices.

The enchantress may always be the most direct route to the truth, but she is not the best communicator. Allow her the space to do her part in the puzzle and the answers and willpower to follow through with them will come to you with ease.

Join us next Sunday evening for the following week’s forecast.

You can find Adeola on instagram @adeola_moonsong and read more of her work at
