Melissa Corkhill

By Melissa Corkhill

29th July 2020

Morgane at Zero Waste Nest shares five steps that can help you get started reducing waste in your bathroom

Melissa Corkhill

By Melissa Corkhill

29th July 2020

Melissa Corkhill

By Melissa Corkhill

29th July 2020

1 Get rid of your bathroom bin - Make this the first step. We’re lazy creatures so trust me; every time you are tempted to throw something away, you’ll have to walk to the nearest bin.

2 Replace packaged items for package-free items - A lot of soaps are available package-free, the same goes for toothpaste, body lotion, deodorant. For liquid products, either try to buy it in bulk or even better, refill your existing container in a package-free store.

3 Replace disposable items with reusable - The number of things we use once and then throw away in our bathroom is shocking. Ranging from feminine hygiene protection to razors. Seek sustainable alternatives.

4 Create your own products - Keep it simple. Plain baking powder does the job as a deodorant. For body lotion use coconut oil. Looking for a scrub? Try sugar mixed with oil.

5 Downsize - We tend to have multiple products when one item would suffice. Do you really need to have a morning face lotion and a night cream? Check out for more tips.
