Natalie Fee

By Natalie Fee

25th June 2009

Are you feeling tired and impatient? Read on to find out what energy alchemist, Natalie Fee, recommends for parents needing a boost. Each month, Natalie will answer a reader's question about parenting, offering insights and advice that can apply to us all. This month she recommends, "don't worry - be happy!".

Natalie Fee

By Natalie Fee

25th June 2009

Natalie Fee

By Natalie Fee

25th June 2009

Dear Natalie, I’ve got three children, aged 3, 5 and 8. Lately I’ve been feeling tired most of the time, which makes me snappy and impatient with the kids – and I’m really concerned about how it’s affecting my partner too. Then I feel guilty about taking my tiredness out on my family and wish I didn’t. I started some yoga classes but didn’t carry on as I lacked the motivation to keep going. What can I do?

Nothing. But not nothing in the sense of there’s nothing you can do to alleviate your tiredness. On the contrary, there’s lots you can do. But doing nothing is top of the list. I like to use the phrase “Don’t just sit there – do it!” in reverse – “Don’t just do it, sit there!” Being mentally still, taking a few deep breaths and fully bringing your attention into the present moment is the best way to not only stop losing energy, but to gain it too. It sounds like you’re doing a lot of worrying, about being tired, about your children, and about your relationship with your partner. That’s exhausting in itself. So the first step is to see if you can quit worrying. Then, all the energy you’re using up on incessant worrying can be used in the doing of something which gives you energy. You’ll have to be quite vigilant, like a guard dog – anytime you catch yourself worrying, bite the worry on the ankle. Eat it up before it eats you. You can use a mantra or affirmation at that point, such as, “Hey there worry, thanks but no thanks!” or something more deep and spiritual if you want. You’ll soon find that you have more energy simply by not worrying. However this is a life-discipline, which requires a fair amount of practise and attention to begin with. But it gets easier over time, and is totally worth the effort, as your family can then enjoy seeing a smiling, happy and more chilled out you. If after a couple of weeks practising the ‘don’t worry be happy’ attitude, you’re still feeling wiped out, it may be worth checking out the following things:

Health: Get your GP to check you over, they’ll usually test your thyroid and blood sugar levels if you mention your tiredness. Then look into natural remedies – I found that taking GTF Chromium (which regulates blood sugar) and a high strength Iodine supplement made a huge difference to my energy levels.

Feng Shui: Position your bed so that you’re sleeping with your head to the North, feet to the South (unless you’re in the Southern Hemisphere, in which case do the opposite!). This has a remarkable effect on one’s energy levels, as well as giving you a much better nights sleep. Recommended for your children’s beds too!

Energy Exercise: For one week, meditate for five minutes a day. See if you can increase by five minutes a week, working up to 20 minutes a day. You could also try using an Energy Egg – they come with a 12 month guarantee so you can always send it back if you don’t feel the benefit of using it regularly.

For further advice on specific meditations, energy exercises and Feng Shui remedies, email me.
