The Green Parent

By The Green Parent

23rd September 2020

Jenni Retourné is founder of Willowberry skincare. She lives in Cheltenham with her husband and their daughter.

The Green Parent

By The Green Parent

23rd September 2020

The Green Parent

By The Green Parent

23rd September 2020

I’ve worked in beauty for over 15 years and I love it. I was a beauty editor and then ran my own marketing consultancy where I helped many beauty brands to stand out. I had long harboured an ambition to have my own brand and one day I thought; I should be doing this for myself. So I did! Many beauty brands only target young women or tell women they need to look young to be beautiful. So I wanted to create skincare for grown-ups, targeting the needs of grown-up skin and talking to women as grown-ups. Because beauty doesn’t stop at 20 and I’m on a mission to help women appreciate their own beauty without apology at any age - that’s what Willowberry is about.


  1. Learn to prioritise self-care; it isn’t selfish, it’s essential. You can’t balance all the balls if you’re not functioning properly
  2. Your wellbeing is based on a thousand tiny decisions; whether to do that workout, to eat the healthy food, to say no to that extra glass of wine. I’m no angel and life’s too short for too much restriction, but everything in moderation, most of the time. Eat the cake, just don’t eat all of the cake all of the time!
  3. Listen to your body. If you need a break, if you need to breathe, if you need to move, if you need a check-up… don’t ignore what your body is trying to tell you.


Willowberry has just turned 3 and we have been going through a big growth phase as the brand gets continually noticed and talked about. Our Willowberry Eye Cream recently appeared on This Morning, which had a big impact. So we will continue to drive awareness and grow our Direct to Consumer business, plus we have some exciting new products in development. We also want to get key retail partners on board and we are in talks with the US market, although Covid-19 has shifted our focus for the short-term.


Don’t try to be perfect – sustainability is a huge and complex subject and at the moment, there is no perfect way to be 100% sustainable, so it’s better to do something rather than end up doing nothing at all. At Willowberry we have launched Sustainable Swaps, an initiative where we make small sustainable changes that add up to make a big difference, especially when we can influence our supply chain to have a bigger effect. It’s amazing how the changes stack up.

Work out what’s most important to you, whether that’s reducing plastic, buying less, buying local to reduce your carbon footprint, going organic… choose 3 things and start there.

Don’t think you are too small to make a difference. If we all think that way, nothing will change. If we all make small changes, together we become a force of nature.
