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Hi all, I’ve been absent from the forum for ages (Facebook ate my time! :/ ) but this was the first place I thought of.
In December i do the book advent, with old Christmassy faves interspersed with a few new books, and this year I would like to include some nice books about Yule. I like Jane Ray type illustrations, or anything really keepsake-y. My daughter is newly 7 but doesn’t read yet, so lots of pictures would be ok. The origins of Yule, legends of winter, any recommendations welcome.
thank you! Xx

We have Winter Solstice by Ellen Jackson which might be what you are looking for?

Here are some of ours. My favourite is probably Moomin Midwinter; a classic share at bedtime through December! xx http://thegreenparent.co.uk/articles/read/our-six-favourite-yule-books

What a wonderful list Melissa, thank you so much for sharing.

It’s not a Yule Book per se but I have just read The Glass Angels by Susan Hill to my children after it was recommended on here by crystalmummy.  It’s is a beautiful story and one which I hope we will read every year at this time of year.

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