By The Green Parent

05th July 2021

If you're longing for a moment's peace, try one of these restorative ways to start the day. Here mum and tech company founder, Sarah Handley, shares three ways to ease yourself gently into your day.

By The Green Parent

05th July 2021

By The Green Parent

05th July 2021

1. Do namaskars or sun salutations - grab your yoga mat and head out to the garden to greet the rising sun. The Yoga Journal suggests that the roots of modern sun salutation rituals can be traced back 3,500 years; Namaskars were first described in the Rig Veda, the oldest collection of sacred Indian scriptures.

5 Quick EFT - EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique, and is also known as Tapping. Tapping is a fantastic stress reduction tool - simply stimulating the acupressure points on your face and upper body (much like acupuncture, but without the needles!) you send a signal to your brain that you’re safe. And by talking about how you feel at the same time, you can dissolve any unwelcome feelings, simply by acknowledging them and then letting them go. Therapist Louisa Hussey has a five minute tapping session at Louisa, said: “You can tap whenever and wherever you like. It’s a fantastic tool to keep in your self-care arsenal. It might look a bit weird to start - but it’s one of the best kept secrets for instant calm. I recommend you try a quick tapping sequence in the morning to set you up for the day.”

6 Make a mug of raspberry tea - for a quick-win, mood booster, herbal teas are really healthy and super easy to make; just add about 5 or 6 raspberry leaves to hot water and you’ll have a refreshing vitamin boosting drink to enjoy. We also recommend a nettle tea as an iron boosting tonic; add a couple of nettle tops to a mug and top up with hot water – it deactivates the stinging properties.
