By The Green Parent

01st October 2015

It’s a magical time of year, thoughts of Halloween dancing through children’s minds and fireworks bursting through the evenings. Christmas twinkling on the horizon but what’s that sound coming from the upstairs bedroom? Oh no, one of your littles has the sniffles. It’s THAT time of year again. Coughs and colds are unavoidable and are, according to a growing body of research, actually important for our long term health. But that doesn’t make them any more pleasant or bearable when the whole family is struck down at once. Instead of reaching for the Calpol, Tixylix or antibiotics why not try to find relief naturally, without any chemicals, to help give your body the best possible boost it needs.

By The Green Parent

01st October 2015

By The Green Parent

01st October 2015

Here, we look at 5 natural remedies for the common cold:

1. Apple Cider Vinegar. ACV is fantastic for colds. It binds to toxins and breaks down mucus, allowing both to pass quickly and effectively from the body. A teaspoon with each meal is said to not only relieve cold symptoms and help the illness pass quickly, but it also works as a preventative when taken religiously.

2. Garlic. At the onset of a cold, consuming large quantities of garlic has been documented as reducing the length and severity of the illness. A powerful anti-bacterial agent, Garlic is as strong and potent as many prescribed medication. Add whole bulbs to a soup recipe and tuck in!

3. Raw honey. Once pasteurised, Honey loses many of its most important health boosting properties. Raw honey contains thousands of live enzymes, stimulates the immune system and is a natural antibiotic. One teaspoon each day is enough to excite your tastebuds, just be sure not to add it to anything warmer than luke warm water. Combined with Apple Cider Vinegar, Raw honey is excellent at combatting respiratory infections.

4. Vitamins C and D. During infections, vitamin c stores are consumed rapidly. Maintaining a good supply throughout the year is important for when illness strikes. Vitamin C inactivates many illnesses from the common cold to measles, polio and beyond by attacking the nucleic acid of the virus until it is dead. Vitamin D works in a similar way in that correct stores are essential to proper immune function. Vitamin D triggers T cells into fighting off a virus or bacteria and gives them the necessary ammunition to kill the invading pathogen. Foods highest in vitamins C and D include: Green veggies, Dried herbs, Strawberries, Cod Liver Oil, Oily fish, fermented dairy and Eggs.

5. No Sugar. It’s difficult to avoid but refined sugar is suppresses the immune system and causes inhibits vitamin/mineral absorption. It also has the temporary effect of strongly inhibiting the immune system for a good 30 minutes after consumption so if cutting out sugar is proving to be a problem, then limiting it to at home and a while before outings can help minimise the immediate risk of catching illness during the winter months when illness is more prevalent.
