By The Green Parent

19th June 2013

More families than ever now own a trampoline. Since 2005, sales of the garden toy have more than tripled with more than half of four to fourteen year olds trampolining on a regular basis. But, besides being a fun way to spend an afternoon, there may be some hidden benefits to regular trampolining for both children and parents! Here, we list 6 ways you could benefit from yours:

By The Green Parent

19th June 2013

By The Green Parent

19th June 2013

Outdoor Fun Unlike TV or computers, trampolines are an excellent outdoor activity that can constructively entertain children for hours. In the summer, they can spend their energy and soak up some vitamin D in their own back garden.

Co-ordination Children with poor co-ordination can benefit greatly from trampolining as it is said to be one of the best products for developing this particular skill, better even than a bicycle. The changes are often quick and dramatic for those who use their trampoline regularly. The implications of this are larger than they may seem, initially, as it is well recognized that a child’s ability to learn is closely linked with control over body and visual movements.

Confidence If your child is timid about physical activities, trampolines are a fun and unintimidating introduction to the world of exercise. From the thrill of the exercise to and increased sense of courage and confidence, trampolining can motivate youngsters into other forms of activity.

Balance Bouncing on a trampoline is all about sensing shifts in gravitational centres and understanding appropriate places, and positions for landing and continuing the bounce. All of this increases strength and balance.

Detoxifying The rebounding effect of trampolining stimulates internal organs and strengthens the immune system, by as much as 5 times, in response to the G force exerted during bouncing. Toxins are pushed out of cells during the rebound and nutrients are moved into the cells during the weightless period, making trampolining a cellular exercise!

Increased Bone Density Like muscles, bones respond to the light physical stress of regular exercise.

Safety Precautions
Despite the amazing benefits of trampolines, accidents regularly occur with thousands visiting hospital each year. Almost all of these are preventable and 75% of incident involve cases where more than one person was using the trampoline at the time. To best enjoy your trampoline, take note of the following safety precautions:
Supervise children at all times.
Check the specific safety instructions provided with your trampoline.
Purchase a trampoline with a safety net and padding to cover the springs and hooks around the edges. Use a crash mat under trampolines positioned on hard surfaces.
Children under 6 must use trampolines specific to their size and weight.
Recreational trampolines are only suitable for use by one person at a time.
Always bounce in the middle.
Avoid tricks, these should be practiced and performed in classes with professional teachers.
Position the trampoline clear of any buildings or objects that could cause harm.
Regularly inspect the trampoline for signs of damage or tearing.
