By The Green Parent

09th July 2013

They may not be socially acceptable, but science has shown these 5 gross habits to be beneficial to our health. While you might not be encouraging your children to engage in these offputting activities, the evidence suggests that it might just be worth leaving them to it now and then…

By The Green Parent

09th July 2013

By The Green Parent

09th July 2013

Nail Biting Chomping on your nails now and then introduces small amounts of bacteria to your immune system. As your immune system remembers these bugs, each encounter with these little doses helps to trigger memory lymphocytes that boost the immune system!
Burping Releasing gas via your mouth has been proven to prevent reflux symptoms by releasing digestive gases that can build inside your stomach. The build-up of pressure can lead to a relaxed stomach valve, allowing stomach acid to flow back up into the gullet which can cause painful heartburn symptoms.
• *Picking your nose*… and eating it! Much like nail biting, eating your bogeys can introduce your immune system to little doses of environmental pathogens… I think I might give the nail biting a go first, however.
Skipping showers Daily washing has been shown to strip the skin of natural oils which can cause imbalances that lead to problems such as acne or dry skin and can exacerbate eczema. It also reduces our natural ability to fight disease by stripping the skin of good bacteria.
Knuckle cracking Despite the popular belief that this can lead to the painful condition osteoarthritis, research has been unable to determine any link between the two. In fact, it has been shown that joint cracking temporarily increases flexibility which can provide relief for those with stiff or aching joints.
