Kate Hodges

By Kate Hodges

25th April 2020

Make mealtimes sparkle and pop with easy-to-make brightly hued and colour-changing snacks and drinks!

Kate Hodges

By Kate Hodges

25th April 2020

Kate Hodges

By Kate Hodges

25th April 2020

Rainbow-coloured snacks and drinks are a huge trend in the grown-up world, and their playful nature makes them perfect for children. Engage your kids in learning to cook with these surreal and mystical ideas.

Beet Powder Latte
Good-quality beet powder is not only naturally rich in vitamins, minerals and nitrates, it also turns food bright pink! Try using it to make an easy, healthy, child-friendly latte. Whisk a teaspoon into hot milk or milk alternative, and add maple syrup or cardamom to taste. Try making lattes in a rainbow of colours using matcha for green, turmeric for yellow, or charcoal matcha for black brews.

Butterfly Pea Flower Tea
Known as the ‘mood ring of drinks’ this naturally bright blue infusion acts like litmus paper, turning more pink with the addition of acids such as lemon juice. Brew it like you would any herbal tea – drink it hot or cooled and poured over ice. It tastes a little woody, so children might appreciate the addition of some honey or agave syrup. Just before serving, add a squeeze of lemon or lime juice, and watch as it spirals through the drink, turning it a dramatic pink! Caffeine-free, pregnant or breastfeeding women should read the safety warnings.

Red Cabbage Noodles
Red cabbage has similar litmus-like properties to Butterfly Pea – it will turn blue in the presence of acid. Use this to spectacular effect in your cooking. Try including a head of red cabbage when you cook noodles. Toss the noodles with butter and garlic to make them taste a little better if you like. Serve your noodles with a wedge of lemon or lime, and tell your diners to squeeze juice over their noodles. The acid will turn the noodles blue! Magic!
