Lucy Corkhill

By Lucy Corkhill

27th May 2013

Late spring is such a magical time of year, but it seems to be such a busy time too. After a long winter, we all seem to have been roused from a deep sleep like hibernating bears surprised in their lairs. Suddenly the diary is chockablock with work, parties, weddings, christenings and celebrations; children’s activities to cram in and emails and phone calls to reply to.

Lucy Corkhill

By Lucy Corkhill

27th May 2013

Lucy Corkhill

By Lucy Corkhill

27th May 2013

The natural world, so long quiet and dormant, is suddenly bursting with unruly life. In the midst of all this busy-ness it’s hard to find time to take a breather and actually be present.

I struggle with being present at the best of times, but becoming a parent made me realise how precious each day – each moment! – is. Reflecting back on the first months with our son makes me nostalgic already, and I want to savour as much of it as possible. Recently, our lives have been a whirlwind with work, events and activities, and I guess like all parents I have berated myself for not making the most of our time together. A little mini-break the four of us (we took the dog) went on at the beginning of the month reminded me of those precious moments: those times when we stop and savour something magical and delicious, store it up to recall at a later date.

I decided that even if I couldn’t make the most of every single second, there are moments in life to truly relish…to sink into. The more of these we choose to enter into, the more present we become in the moment. So, here’s my current top ten, I’d love to know yours!:

1. A secret woodland clearing
When you stumble across a little woodland clearing and peer beneath the trees in that green half-light, there’s a promise of faeries and magical folk. There’s one near us created by crooked blackthorn trees and it fills me with the same sense of delicious anticipation every time I creep in.

2. The laugh of someone you love
A real belly laugh erupting from the mouth (and nose) of someone beloved seems to echo in our ears for ages afterwards. It’s such a delight to hear our children laugh, to share something funny with our partner, family and friends and to feel that delicious ripple effect throughout the body.

3. A crackling fire
There’s so much to love about a real fire blazing away. The sense of warmth on the skin, the colour and movement of the flames, the sweet smell of woodsmoke, and the totally hypnotic effect it all has. Perfect on your own or shared with a group of like-minded folk.

4. The smell of a baby’s head
Really, truly, what sweeter smell is there than a baby’s skin? Underneath a fluff of hair that tickles the nostrils, something totally unique and delicious emanates.

5. A freshly baked cake
Since I mastered our new oven, I have begun making cakes again. There’s something so welcoming about the smell of a cake baking, and then the wait as it cools before icing it, and sharing it with loved ones.

6. The crisp pages of a new book
Something of an addiction for me, the purchasing of new books! And I’ll admit to being a bit of a Luddite when it comes to Kindle etc. Just the prospect of opening a new book, revelling in those first words or pictures, making a telepathic connection with the author, and descending into a different world all make books one of life’s most wonderful pleasures.

7. Soft clean sheets, loads of pillows and the prospect of a lie-in
Climbing into bed after a long day and wrapping sweet-smelling clean sheets around you, diving down into a restful slumber…yum! Even better if you have had a late night and can be fairly sure that the little ones are going to sleep in a bit!

8. A moment of connection
You know those delightful encounters with strangers? The ones where you end up having a conversation about something that was on your mind, something is clarified, or you have a laugh together. When you walk away feeling uplifted, that your being in that place, at that moment, was right.

9. Walking barefoot on grass or, better yet, sand
As soon as it’s warm enough to do so, undressing your feet and sinking them into soft grass or sand is so pleasing! My feet made their first contact this year with sand in Devon a few weeks ago – the sand had been warmed by the sun all day and the feel of it between my toes was completely delicious.

10. Birdsong
It’s happening all around us most of the time, but we often forget this backing track to our lives. A woman once told me that birdsong was the music of the soul, and I don’t doubt her. Lying down in a meadow to listen to it at dawn or dusk – or just stopping in the street to tune in – truly recharges the batteries and makes me aware of the wonderful world around me.
