Kate Hodges

By Kate Hodges

04th November 2019

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Did you know that an estimated three billion nappies are thrown away every year in the UK, accounting for 2-3% of all household waste?

Kate Hodges

By Kate Hodges

04th November 2019

Kate Hodges

By Kate Hodges

04th November 2019

Mama Bamboo, the creators of Bamaboo biodegradable bamboo nappies, are campaigning to force DEFRA to impose stricter controls on UK councils to stop nappies being sent to landfill when tried and tested technologies are readily available to compost and recycle nappies. Bamaboo nappies could be easily composted due to their 80% natural materials (bamboo, corn starch and chlorine free wood pulp). Their baby wipes could be 100% composted within just 12 weeks. Bamaboo nappies are the only disposable nappy company to use 100% compostable liners and packaging as well.

Please do read and sign their petition

Laura Crawford, CEO of Mama Bamboo, is passionate about getting this change implemented as soon as possible. “Over 3 billion nappies will go into landfill this year in the UK alone. 300 million of them will be eco-nappies like ours which could be composted and reused. It’s plain ridiculous that some councils don’t even collect and compost food waste in London, despite there being industrial compost facilities surrounding the capital. The technology is readily available, tried and tested; for instance, Toronto has diverted over 2 billion nappies from landfill since 2009 through it’s ‘Green Bin’ composting scheme. We need DEFRA to impose much stricter controls on councils to meet targets for composting and to include eco-nappies.”
