By The Green Parent

28th June 2013

Epsom Salt baths have long been hailed as an easy, relaxing way to detoxify the body and boost health due to the easy absorption of magnesium and sulphate. Those of us who enjoy a regular Epsom Salt bath may be missing out on many other benefits as it appears they have a wide variety of health and beauty based uses. Check out our top 10 uses for Epsom Salt to see how you could be getting more out of yours:

By The Green Parent

28th June 2013

By The Green Parent

28th June 2013

1. Good for your garden. Epsom salt helps promoting germination and growth of plants. According to tests conducted by the National Gardening Association, Epsom salt helps to produce more flowers and grows bigger plants. They are also a natural insecticide!

2. Aches and Pains. Adding Epsom salt to your bath can help to relieve muscle sprains and tension as it reduces inflammation and promotes relaxation. It has also been shown to relieve pain associated with headaches.

3. Postpartum Healing. As above, Epsom salt reduces inflammation but also helps to speed up the healing process of cuts and wounds. A fantastic natural way to help your body to recover in those early days when you are feeling particularly tender after giving birth.

4. Constipation. Under the guidance of your doctor, Epsom salt can help to relieve constipation. Acting as a laxative, Epsom salt increases water in the intestines and also acts as a detoxifier and colon cleanser.

5. Splinters. Epsom salt can help with splinter removal as it “increases osmotic pressure on the skin, which draws foreign bodies toward the surface.”

6. Peaceful Sleep. Adding Epsom salt to your child’s bath before bedtime can help them to relax and promote a more restful sleep.

7. Athlete’s Foot. Bathing your feet in warm water and Epsom salt can help to relieve the uncomfortable symptoms associated with Athlete’s foot.

8. Exfoliator. Mixing Epsom salt with olive oil creates a natural exfoliator that will leave your body smoother and healthier in minutes. It can also help to dislodge stubborn blackheads and clean pores.

9. Slug Prevention. Sprinkling Epsom salt around the entrances to your home can help to keep slugs and other pests away.

10. Household Cleaner. Added to your usual dish soap, Epsom salt is a natural way to clean and scrub stubborn patches of dirt in your home. Particularly tiles and grout.
