By The Green Parent

13th September 2013

Some cats are really stubborn when it comes to toilet training and let’s face it, litterboxes are gross. Really gross. But, they’re much better than the alternative of your beloved feline companion peeing and pooping all over the wires behind the TV even more than they do already. From horrid smells to those stubborn sticky bits, we’ve taken care of the biggest pitfalls to save you in your hour of need. Silly cat YouTube footage warning!

By The Green Parent

13th September 2013

By The Green Parent

13th September 2013

So, unless you’re planning to teach Tiddles to use the family toilet (I can’t believe it’s a real thing, either), or utilising your old totsbots, you’ll likely be looking for the most pleasant solution to your litterbox woes.

1. Find a natural, biodegradable litter. You might be surprised to learn that several million tonnes of cat litter, along with their little presents, wind up in landfill every year. Luckily, there are alternatives and many of those are flushable too! In the UK, top brands include clumpnflush and World’s Best.

2. Clean the litterbox with Castile. If you use a clumping litter, you should only need to do a proper clean every 2-3 weeks. Cleaning with Castile soap is gentle, chemical free but effective. It also helps to minimise odours.

3. Grease the bottom of the litterbox. By rubbing a natural oil, like olive oil, into the base of your litterbox you are preventing any stubborn sticky bits and making your future cleaning efforts much more pleasant.

4. Add baking soda. Mix around 4-5 tablespoons of baking soda into the litter for maximum odour control.

5. Essential Oils. Never use these directly in the litter, but do feel free to rub them under the rim of the litterbox to keep the box smelling fresh and pleasant.
