By The Green Parent

05th December 2021

Use the emotions that arise during each different phase of the moon as a guide suggests Adeola Sheehy in her weekly column for The Green Parent on the art of living by the moon.

By The Green Parent

05th December 2021

By The Green Parent

05th December 2021

We greet the first week of December two days after the new moon and while the maiden energy is returning, you may feel an element of hesitancy or self-doubt as she very slowly comes out of the dark back into her full self.

Use this doubt positively to check and recheck your plans, your gift lists and all the things you need to do. Her young girl uncertainty can give way to indecision which will urge you to pause and take your time, or it may offer you a scepticism that could be an early warning system.

The emotions that arise in each phase are there to help guide us if we can listen to them without labelling them as good or bad. Trust yourself, you are the expert of your own life, if you are unsure there may be good reason.

Join us next Sunday evening for the following week’s forecast.

You can find Adeola on instagram @adeola_moonsong and read more of her work at
