Lucy Corkhill

By Lucy Corkhill

30th March 2013

I was delighted to discover that International Carrot Day falls on my birthday, 4th April, every year. I do love a random day of celebration and since there seems to be a day for just about everything else, why not a day for our favourite dayglo vegetable?

Lucy Corkhill

By Lucy Corkhill

30th March 2013

Lucy Corkhill

By Lucy Corkhill

30th March 2013

The humble carrot is literally packed with goodness, and one of the simplest but best ways to enjoy it is to juice it. Carrot juice is one of the richest sources of vitamin A. It also contains vitamin C and a high level of B vitamins (good for the nervous system amongst other benefits), beta-carotene, folic acid, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, iron, copper and zinc. Whether you are trying to boost your immunity, heal from disease, lose weight, detoxify your body or simply maintain good health, carrot juice is your ally.

According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, carrot juice can effectively remove heavy metals from the body by supporting liver function. The Vitamin A acts as a cleansing agent, keeping the liver healthy. Vibrant skin is just one benefit of a healthy liver, and carrot juice has long been used as a treatment for skin conditions such as acne. Just one glass of carrot juice packs about 20% of your daily potassium intake, enabling your brain to function optimally and your blood sugar levels to remain stable. Potassium is also extremely effective for muscle cramping and sleep problems.

Carrots are perhaps most well-known for their sight-enhancing properties, with stories of WW2 soldiers nibbling on them to improve night vision. Vitamin A is in fact great for the eyesight. A glass of carrot juice is also beneficial for immunity, because of its vitamin C content, and this same vitamin is a powerful antioxidant required for cell renewal and repair. There are so many benefits to carrot juice, including ongoing research in the treatment of terminal illnesses, but the best way to find out is to try some for yourself.

On the Carrot Day website, they suggest throwing a party in celebration of carrots, complete with fancy dress costumes. After all, who hasn’t been looking for an excuse to get dressed up as a large orange root? If you think your Carrot Day might be a more low-key affair, however, why not simply enjoy one of these health-packed juices and kickstart a fabulous new juicy habit.


You just can’t go wrong with this delicious and fiery combination. Perfect for when you’re feeling a bit under the weather or just can’t shake a cold; it will have you firing on all cylinders in no time! Medicine in a glass.

4 carrots
2 apples
Thumb-sized knob of ginger


This is one tasty juice with the aniseed hint of fennel and the perfect sweetness of apple.

1 apple
3 carrots
3 fennel stalks
1 stick of celery


This glorious colour combination is the perfect antidote to gloomy day feelings. Brighten up your morning with this health-giving drink.

4 carrots
1 beetroot
1 apple


Even if it’s raining outside and the tennis has been postponed, this sweet concoction is like a healthy glass of Pimms – literally bursting with all that’s great about summer.

4 carrots
1 punnet of strawberries
A sprig of fresh mint


Green juices can feel a bit worthy at times, but carrot juice adds a burst of sweet lightness to earthy flavours. This is one of the healthiest ways to start your day – drink this every morning and you will be bouncing around like Tigger. I really like adding half an avocado, blended, to a green juice for a smooth, creamy taste. Definitely a meal in a glass!

4 carrots
A large handful of kale
A large handful of spinach (both of these can be substituted with any greens you have in the fridge)
A chunk of cucumber
2 stalks of celery
½ an apple


This sumptuous juice should really be drunk on a beach under the shade of palm fronds…failing that, try it at home for a little shot of paradise.

4 carrots
1 lime
½ a pineapple
½ glass of coconut water, or add to taste (fresh is preferable, or you can buy coconut water from good health food stores)
